About Us

Promoting and supporting the welfare of wildlife conservancy rangers in Kenya to ensure that they are well equipped and represented.

All about the Association of Wildlife Conservancy Rangers in Kenya

The Wildlife Conservancy Rangers Association in Kenya is all about wildlife conservancy rangers and their well-being which includes their ability to serve community and conserve wildlife.

AWCRK's primary beneficiaries are the conservancy rangers. We exist to address their problems, needs, and interests, and they greatly influence the ultimate results of our work. The secondary beneficiaries include government agencies with legal mandates for biodiversity and wildlife conservation, security, and preservation of law and order in the country. 

Core Values

Unity Of Purpose

We are committed to organizational teamwork
and strategic partnerships with various actors.
Collective voice and action are critical to our
efforts in advocating and championing the work
of conservancy rangers in conserving wildlife
and biodiversity.


We perform our mandate in an honest, fair, accountable,
and transparent manner. Our actions are guided by a
common code of ethical conduct, professional standards,
various laws and regulations, and the universal declaration
of human rights.


We champion the rights of our members and facilitate
them to discharge their duties without fear or favor and
in strict adherence to the Rangers Code of Conduct and
the Laws of Kenya.


We strive to achieve the highest standards of
ethical and professional conduct and seek to
learn and improve continuously.

Human Dignity

We believe in the sanctity of human life and strive to uphold
fundamental human rights as per the constitution and the
universal declaration of human rights. We are aware of and
respect the cultural values and belief systems of the
communities living with wildlife in various biodiversity landscapes.

Diversity & Inclusion

We believe in equal opportunity for all regardless of age,
gender, ethnicity, education, physical abilities, race, and
religion among our members and the people we serve.
We make deliberate efforts to provide equitable
opportunities for all.

The Operating Environment

AWCRK's operating environment is analyzed in this section and presented using the PESTEL framework, which considers how macro-environment factors classified into political, economic, social, cultural, technological, legal, and physical environments impact our work.

  • Political
  • Economic
  • Social
  • Technological
  • Legal
  • Environmental

Safeguarding Rights

Conservancy rangers also help safeguard the rights of people whose lives and cultures are inextricably linked to nature. In this sense, we assist them by enabling a conducive environment in which to carry out their work.

Our Theory of Change

The world is losing its biodiversity at an alarming rate. The rate of species extinction is currently higher than it has ever been before. For instance, in Kenya, wildlife has declined at an average rate of 68% since 1977. Protected and conserved areas comprise a part of the global efforts to manage and conserve biodiversity. Rangers, both government-employed and conservancy rangers, comprise the frontline staff in the management and protection of biodiversity.

Rangers play various roles, including security, policing, intelligence gathering, biodiversity data gathering, community relationship building, and conflict management. Conservancy rangers in Kenya face many challenges, including poor remuneration, limited professional capacities, harsh working conditions, and inadequate recognition and appreciation by their employers and the Government. This diversity of roles requires a mix of specialized skills, which most conservancy rangers do not have.

If we establish AWCRK as an effective, efficient, and sustainable ranger association, then we will be able to promote and effectively advocate for well-trained, equipped, networked, and motivated conservancy rangers. If the conservancies train, equip, and support the networking of their rangers, then the rangers will develop the necessary skills, attitudes, and motivations they need to play their critical role as frontline workers in managing and protecting biodiversity in Kenya. These efforts will significantly contribute to Kenya's sustainable development agenda as stipulated in the Constitution 2010, Vision 2030, and globally to the Convention of Biological Diversity, Aichi Biodiversity Targets, the 2019 Chitwan Declaration, and the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals No. 14 and No. 15.